"Outside of governance, TLN shall have member groups consisting of Committees with defined work, Interest Groups for networking and forum facilitation, and Communities with a purpose
of building supportive connections among members."
"TLN shall establish shared policies or bylaws for all member groups within TLN (Committees/Interest Groups/Communities), including how new groups may be established. If existing groups already have separately established bylaws
TLN should work cooperatively with such groups, and inclusively with all groups, in establishing new shared policies or bylaws."
The Library Network believes libraries are about Access, Respect, and Belonging. Our work looks to provide Solutions to build a supportive community through our network of libraries, using a lens of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
(EDI). To learn more about this framework and the actions we are taking to ensure that everyone we serve– from TLN and library employees to patrons and community members– feels validated, important and included, please check
out the "living document" linked below.
EDI With TLN Document
Everyone participating in TLN Member Engagement Groups and TLN events is asked to adhere to TLN Group Ethics and Rules of Engagement. Please check out the document below for more information. Member Groups are also invited to identify
and adopt additional rules of engagement that their group identifies as important.
TLN Group Rules of Engagement